Monday, 22 October 2007

Recycling and Eastfield

When you read this I will have been out and about with my fellow Councillor, Geoff Evans, and the Scarborough Borough Council recycling team.
We decided that it was time to get out onto the 'coalface' and see the team in action as well as some of the problems they face. We have a great team of refuse collectors and they do a wonderful job for all of us. They are the key people in making sure that Scarborough leads the way in recycling.
There are still some people who continue to put the rubbish into the wrong bins but we believe that with continual education we will soon get it right. If we are serious about saving energy and recycling to save 'the planet' and your money also we cant leave it to 'the council'. We all have to play our part.
To help with this we are looking for more sites in Eastfield to place bottle banks because bottles cannot be collected in the blue bins.
Do you have any suggestions?

I'll tell you how we got on after I have been around with the collectors.

Councillor Brian O'Flynn