Sunday, 22 April 2007

It's not easy!

Many of you will have received your postal votes yesterday and may even have voted and posted.
We hope you considered Geoff Evans, Brian Simpson and I for your vote.
We work as a team and each brings to it their own skill, experience and time. If you cannot reach one of us by phone try any of the others and that person will pass on the message or look into your query.
It always surprises me, when canvassing, the number of problems that we come across that were never brought to our attention earlier.
You have many ways of contacting us but please if you telephone say your number slowly and repeat it once. It is very frustrating for us and disappointing for you if we cannot recognise your number and you fail to get a call back.
Lot's to do to day and every day until the elections are over...and then the real work begins or should I say ...continues.

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