Thursday, 19 April 2007

What do we do about litter?

Eastfield is getting a new clean look because Councillor Brian Simpson and I keep after the council to 'clean it up'. Cleaning it up takes away money from other things we want to see done in Eastfield.
But it is discouraging to everyone to see that there are some antisocial people who just do not care about anyone else.
Just look at the side of the Dell. A few days ago the grass was cut and it looked great.
And then..............someone scattered a load of rubbish down the side!
Do they want to turn the Dell into a Tip, like Seamer Carr?
If the council wanted to make into a tip we would all be in uproar.
Who is doing this to us?
Please report the ANTISOCIAL enemies of the people of Eastfield to the Council .
We want Eastfield to be First in everything EXCEPT for scattering rubbish.

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